Monday, January 25, 2010

Time to get serious

Alrighty then. I did my first field test of the year using my trusty gerbil wheel, and discovered that I've got some work to do. Unlike Lance-in-My-Pants, I am currently behind schedule on my fitness and my weight. Like Mr. Armstrong (and every other tour pro out there) I will keep my actual numbers close to my chest so as not to alert my competitors of my exact fitness status.

I am not actually THAT far off of what I was last year, but I am WAY off of what I was hoping for after putting in a lot of effort and time on my last block. So far I've not stepped it up as much as I'd hoped. The Tellman girl is close to beating me by the numbers, which is good for her, not so great for me.

So, here is what I need to do...

1. Lose a little more weight. I'm not heavy, but I seem to be having trouble getting rid of the last few pounds of slow; in spite of attempting to limit myself on rare occasions. I guess this means I will have to get more hardcore on ignoring some BMB pastries for a while.

2. Do tempo like a mad man. Apparently this type of workout is good for improving all kinds of fitness parameters, so it seems like a good idea to do a lot of them to improve my gerbil rending abilities. I think the greatest area for improvement is actually doing as much work as I am supposed to do and not letting myself run out of time. Also, I may have to start riding by myself more...sorry Julia.

I know that most people don't actually care anything about training, and I normally try to avoid posting blogs like this, but I just was kinda feeling the need to make myself accountable to the 2 people who are following me on the interwebz. Really though, it's time to get moving. I had some good fitness last year, and I should be past where I was then, not playing catch-up.


Tyler Crotts said...

Ha, I promise I didn't read this before I wrote mine. St. Marie we sound a lot a like with where we are right now and the way we like to write our blogs. I gotta put you on my side bar so I read this thing more. That means you gotta update it. I too like to keep my numbers close so I'll have to tell you sometime where the whole world doesn't have access to it.

Dan Ennis said...

guys i'm ,like, being super serial!!