Tuesday, January 19, 2010


51. That's how many hours I spent on the bike over the past 3 weeks. Most of that time was spent riding in sub freezing temperatures, which I know isn't a big deal to many people anywhere north of me, but for me, it was amazingly hardcore. I mean really, most of my riding partners didn't even ride during that 3 weeks. Weak. Anyway, other than feeling much more hardcore at this point, I am now experiencing an expectation of fitness gains. We shall see if that expectation is met in the next couple of weeks.

Also, I am about to be 22. On the 22nd. Weird. And not as big of a deal as 21. I am, however, going to go to the Gray Eagle to watch Justin open for the Enemy Lovers. Should be sweet.

But yeah, school is going swimmingly. Except that I couldn't really swim at the school since the pool is filled with either gravel or lawn equipment. I can't remember which. My schedule is easy, my classmates are cool, and my subjects are fun. I have noticed that during the first 2-3 weeks of class, when we are covering remedial info (basic cell biology, aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, etc...) I tend to get very lost. Not sure why. It's only when things get more complicated and building on things before do I get caught up.

Stay spicy America. Time for some Quesadillas!

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