Monday, November 3, 2008


So, I'm wondering what happens if you don't give your blog post a title... Would it work, or would it just be doomed to be forever in title-less existence, not really sure what it is, stuck online without an identity. Whatever the case, I'm kinda scared to find out. But I'm also tired of having to come up with a meaningless title that is, well, meaningless. Yep. Next time, I'm going title less. I wonder if people will be excited...

I've realized that I have been really really bad about posting blogs. First I ditch out on my Clemson report, then I pass on doing a post about our national championship bid. LAME! Well, lets just say that I got owned in both of my races at nationals. I totally fell apart after a really bad start in the XC, finishing 25th I think. The short track was slightly better with a 13th place finish. I just wasn't as fit as I should have been. Next year it's on though.

I've only ridden once since nats, and have pretty much been enjoying the time off. I've spent a lot of time with Julia and bike people, and we had a killer Halloween party at the Tellman/Cowie house. It was awesome... everybody on the team dressed up as someone else on the team, that's how lame and inbred we are. Good stuff.

I've pretty much not done much for quite a while. School. Not much work. I did go on a run. That was fun. And slow. And painful. I don't think that I am all that suited for running. I think I know how it feels to be totally owned by someone though... Julia destroyed me on the downhill, and I was powerless to stop it. I don't think that I like that feeling.

I'm kinda pumped about racing cross this next weekend. Even if it is going to hurt waaay too much. We've got a good group going down though, and hopefully I can hold it down in the 3's. Maybe I'll even let you know how it goes... or maybe not.

Julia... you need a blog. You could make all kinds of witty comments on life in general and the state of the world at the moment, kinda like bikesnob without quite as much fixed gear snobbery. I would read it with great interest. Get on it.

I am so glad that the election is going to be over tomorrow. I am totally sick of hearing about political crap and people bashing. We're all Americans you idiots!!! Stop hating!

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